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FCC notes rising feed costs cut into livestock profitability

FCC notes rising feed costs cut into livestock profitability

Inflation is affecting our Canadian way of life, as well as that of our livestock, as feed costs are up over 11.8 percent from last year.

By Farm Credit Canada

Although it’s difficult to predict doom and gloom when cattle and hog prices remain high in 2022, but Farm Credit Canada (FCC) noted that as the global economy continues its decline and export markets act against weaker conditions, pressure could be applied to prices.

Martha Roberts, a research specialist and Economic Editor with the FCC has delved into the state of today’s cattle and pig markets and examined global factors that will impact future prices.

Read how the “Spectre of demand destruction looms over livestock markets”. Click HERE.

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Navigating Challenges On A Sheep Farm!

Video: Navigating Challenges On A Sheep Farm!

In today's episode of our daily sheep farming vlog at Ewetopia Farms, we find ourselves faced with a multitude of tasks and limited time to complete them all. However, we are determined to make progress! Our main focus today was to train the Dorset triplets to drink from bottles without the need for us to hold them. Arnie even took on the challenge of feeding bottles to the Suffolk lambs, giving him a taste of what it's like to be mobbed by hungry little ones!

This year, our lambs are growing at an impressive rate, which brings both joy and unexpected challenges. Some of the lambs have been getting stuck under the feeders, while others struggle to enter or exit the creep pen. To address the feeder issue, we diligently cleaned out the bedding pack surrounding the feeders, providing the lambs with more space. As for the lambs' difficulty in accessing the creep pen, we plan to separate the larger lambs and relocate them to another pen soon.

With a large number of sheep on the farm, ensuring everyone is fed each day leaves us with limited extra time to tackle additional tasks. Nevertheless, we believe in taking small steps towards our goals. Join us in this episode as we navigate through the challenges and work towards the well-being of our flock



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