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EPA targets major cutback on Acephate usage


The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of the United States has proposed stringent new regulations on the use of acephate, a pesticide known for its role in agriculture and pest control. The agency's action follows findings from recent health and environmental assessments which highlighted significant risks, particularly from water contamination.

Acephate, commonly used on crops like cotton and in residential settings for ant control, inhibits an enzyme essential for nerve function in insects. This action also poses risks to humans and other mammals, leading to serious health issues.

The EPA's proposed regulations would substantially curtail the use of acephate, confining its application to injections in non-food-producing trees. This method significantly reduces the risks of water contamination and is deemed safer for both the environment and the workforce involved in its application.

The review is part of a broader assessment of organophosphate pesticides, with the EPA inviting public feedback over a 60-day comment period. This input is vital as it helps shape the EPA’s interim decisions and fosters community involvement in environmental health decisions.

By proposing to restrict acephate use, the EPA is acting to prevent potential health problems and environmental damage, emphasizing the importance of public safety in pesticide regulation. This decision marks a proactive step towards safer pest management practices while maintaining necessary ecological protections.

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Video: Follow the Potato Farmer

We are taking students out to southern Manitoba to Hespler Farms! Farmer Wayne will teach students how he plants and cares for his potato crop and why potatoes are such a unique crop to grow. Teachers, check out your AITC Dashboard for Math'd Potatoes, a potato-themed classroom resource to pair with this tour video. Thank you to Peak of the Market and Penner Farm Services for making this event possible.


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